82 集 超 级 长 篇 连 续 剧<< 珠 光 宝 气>> 经 已 圆 满 大 结 局...... 这 套 连 续 剧 实 在 太 长...... ( 在13-2-2009 晚 上9.30 在 astro on demand)
珠 光 宝 气 主 题 曲( 钻 禧)
关 淑 怡
花 枝 挤 天 地 凭 名 气 凭 灵 气
凭 傻 气 凭 什 么 可 采 探 自 己
招 展 惹 妒 忌 谁 狂 喜 谁 随 喜
谁 扬 起 一 身 珠 光 宝 气
风 眼 下 耀 眼 的 对 象 没 有 心 眼 又 怎 鉴 定
心 底 的 精 确 卖 相 经 过 金 粉 檫 亮
谁 又 坚 贞 得 跟 钻 石 较 量
谁 曾 在 华 丽 国 浮 荡 流 尽 冷 汗
顿 觉 可 以 被 拥 抱 着 看 星 光 更 风 光
谁 曾 盛 放 为 了 可 以 被 看
却 不 鉴 辨 婚 戒 便 疯 狂
多 少 卡 宝 藏 是 要 将 爱 念 永 久 珍 藏
多 少 卡 感 动 的 钻 禧 都 矜 贵 耐 看
多 姿 的 演 技 纯 如 钻 强 如 钢 求 完 美
无 暇 的 可 收 买 自 己
多 彩 里 竞 技 随 时 机 随 玄 机
随 年 纪 找 真 假 的 福 气
风 眼 下 耀 眼 的 对 象 没 有 心 眼 又 怎 鉴 定
心 底 的 精 确 卖 相 经 过 金 粉 檫 亮
谁 又 坚 贞 得 跟 钻 石 较 量
谁 曾 在 华 丽 国 浮 荡 流 尽 冷 汗
顿 觉 可 以 被 拥 抱 着 看 星 光 更 风 光
谁 曾 盛 放 为 了 可 以 被 看
却 不 鉴 辨 婚 戒 便 疯 狂
多 少 卡 宝 藏 是 要 将 爱 念 永 久 珍 藏
多 少 卡 感 动 的 钻 禧 都 矜 贵 耐 看

2day i go 4 activity of mandarin club.....(新春联谊会) at skul hall....about 10.45am i arrive at skul bus stop there... i saw ariel at d bus stop there n listening 2 d songs(dunno wat song...) den he wan my hp n sen some videos...... when 10.55am chen hui arrived 2.... we walk in d skul 2gether after ariel sen d videos chen hui cal 2 kee hong 2 ask where was he (actually he arrived earlier than us den he went 2 hall n wait) when we walked 2 d hall we saw them (kee hong liang wai kean chean n ka hoe) we sat 2gether.... about 11.05am d show started...1st of all is 舞狮表演 i think they use about 20 min 2 finish d show......after dat is skul choir n sang cny song..... dunno what they sang c0z so not very loud... after dat was smkap dancing girls dancing 2 welcome d guests..wah so intersting...c0z got many girls haha.... den principal n d chairman of PIBG致词 den guests write chinese kaligrafi n gif gift... haha now is d show time 4 tarian of malay indian n chinese.... after all d tarian.... ang hui shan n mohd nabil sang cny song!!!!! wah nabil so geng!!! when 12.50pm we gif d coco book 2 teacher 2 sign.....
2day i go 2 skul 4 sport practice when i arrive 2 skul i go 2 koperasi 2 find kakak when about 4.30 pm i saw my friend chen hui he give me a pic about Linda Chung (wah so beautiful but i mean her face her skirt not very beautiful) den teachers come(pn hasmah pn kartini pn siti maslina n bla bla bla i dunno d other teachers name) i ask pn kartini will she miss me (c0z last year she teach me Kemahiran Hidup) she say no... (oh hurt my heart) after dat we run 1 round 2 warm up . after dat we practice "lontar peluru" "lompat jauh" "larian" n "lompat tinggi" (wah so lazy lah wan practice 4 skul sport) about 5.30pm its tme 2 go back i walk wif chen hui ... we talk a lot about friends teachers n primary school life......
haiz 2molo wan go 2 skul 4 activity mandarin club..... so boring.... T.T hope 2molo haf many intersting show........
2day so funny.......let see wat happen.... 2day Wai Mun ask Sharon Hong's hp num....but she is shy so she didnt gif him...haha...den d whole class noe dy.... 2day form 6 student gif me d sweet paper n i suggest dat wan 2 play Wai Mun.... so i ask Kee Hong, Ka Hoe n Chen Hui wheater they wan or not. They say ok.... hmmm we suggest 2 by package E which is RM1.20. so we all gif RM0.30 each. we promise dat we didnt tel any1(but finally i dy tel praha) on d other way Wai Mun, Chien Tern n Kean Chean play game (rock,scissors n paper) d rule is if he lose ask Sharon again 4 her hp num. Finally he lose dy.....he so stuBbornly went and ask the num..but he say he win(but actually he is lose...haha) wif dis time i ask Sharon will he accept Wai Mun if he ask her 2 get 2gether....she say dunno.....after dat Wai Mun ask again 4 her hp num. but she didnt reply him.... dats d end of story.
haiz 2day i stay back 4 d mesyuarat agong persatuan bahasa mandarin(wah so boring...actually like dis metting is boring 1) from 2.30pm until 3.30pm (wah so long 1 hour leh) dats y i say so boring.....haiz..... T.T
2day is my 1st day i go chemistry tuition...haha so happy....... when i arrive d tuition teacher's house (wah so far.... at bukit sekilau there)... when i go in, d teacher name Mrs Katty, she call me 2 fill in d form about myself....(excluding d favorite and bla bla bla haha i dunno) after dat i pay fee RM 110 (wah so expensive) including d fee n photostat fee..... den she ask me y im so shy 2 talk? i say i dunno haha.... after dat i go n take a seat.... i saw my friend chien tern haha..... after about 5 minutes she call us 2 go in room n wait..... when d clock show 4pm chen hui is come.... haha he also my friend.... after dat she came in n start 2 teach u noe hoa many ppl is in tuition? haha is 3 (what? 3 oli ar? den chien tern ask teacher got girl or not.. she say got but 2day didnt come)haha... she wan us 2 do homework(chapter map-dat mean when teaching 1 chapter she wan us 2 do map) she wan us 2 use colourful pen n write... she also said dat use short-cut.... b4 dat she say about d rules in d home tuition.... she wan us 2 shake hand when arrive n when wan go home.....(what d rule like dis?) den i ask her can i except? she said she is d principal in d tuition.....den we start our lesson (chapter 1) in d middle of time, teacher say "Oh My God" den i teach teacher 2 say "omedingtuimuch" but she dunno how 2 pronouse. after dat she wan us do homework(wah so hard lah) n now is time 2 finish....haha b4 i leave i shake hand wif her.... haha den i go home n create d new blog here.....