dis morning when i woke up... i felt datmy whole body no energy... ish !!! until now still got a little bit sick.. dunno y ?? may b yesterday d air condition 2 cold n made me felt cold ??? aiya.. dun care bout it... ish !!! so hope God bless me... hope i will b cure without 2 c doctor...
聖誕節 到 了 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
& °∴°﹒☆°. ‘ Happy New Year
★ ★ ‘ ★
把幸福傳給你 唷 希望你 喜歡 祝福你 聖誕快樂
健康快樂 願你 未來都是一帆風順
│ │\|/
│ ● ● │─☆─
│○ ╰┬┬┬╯ ○│/|\
│ ╰─╯ /
2day went 2 ECM new cinema 2 watch "Zombieland" wif friends... actually gt 5 ppl but Praha didnt go c0z she went 2 Teruntum's cinema wif her cousins... dis new cinema at lvl 3 ECM... when i went into d lvl 3... i can c dat cinema at d laz there... after buy 4 tickets (at 5.05pm) den buy drink n junk food (junk food juz 4 matthew oli...)
5.00pm was d time 2 get in d cinema... it gt 9 halls... 1st hall at d bottom n 2nd til 9th halls at d top... 2day went into hall 4... when get in all the things are new n i can smell dat d fragrance of new chairs... its d time now... i noe dis is a 18 years old n above movie... but u noe me lo.. i so tall mesti can 1... haha... its a funny n scary movie... but i think funny is more than scary... reli 1... in d movie we can c dat all d ppl bcame zombie.... except 4 ppls...(d ppls in d pic) d main character teach us d rules muz follow when we saw zombie... so funny...
about 6.35pm d movie finished.... we pass by a 3rd hall... d 3rd hall is bigger den our hall (4th hall) i can tel u 1 thing... at mega's GSC d chair i sat until my ass so pain but ECM 1 , however i sat my ass didnt pain... hope dat d CNY movie 《大日子woohoo!》 i can watch it at ECM's GSC...
M-Girls' 2010 CNY Album will b publish soon... it will b at 23/12... 2days b4 d Christmas.... yeah !!! so happy... finally can llisten 2 CNY songs dy !!! yahoo !!!! hope d day will b faster come...
Ish !!! STEPS ar !!! i wan play ar... but nw cannot dy... c0z of my brother... he always say wan play it... ish !!! i wan play ar... nw oli lvl 15... i wan continue 2 lvl up !!!! ish...
haha!!! STEPS i dy bak !!!! yeah !!!! i can play STEPS again !!! I dy so long time didnt play lo... so happy c0z can continue 2 lvl up !!! bt now i oli lvl 13 ... ISH !!! nw is Dancer Learner !!! hu wan play STEPS can tel me...
《大日子woohoo!》是一部由My FM DJs 与Astro主持人主演的 - 林德荣、颜江瀚、Royce陈志康、邱文博、杨佳贤、颜薇恩、曾洁钰、萧慧敏、卓卉勤、黄一飞 的大马贺岁电影。。。上映日期是 2010年1月14日。。。超想看哦。。。
在马来西亚东海岸关丹的一个叫米昔拉(Beserah)的小村,每一甲子--六十年,都会以"舞虎"来庆祝妈祖 诞,但唯一的舞虎传人连八记,已是年近古稀的老人家。孝顺的孙女阿连,为了完成阿公把舞虎传承下去的心愿,以一个"月入过万"的招聘广告,让冲动好胜的银 行保安阿炳,优柔寡断的炒粿条小贩阿贤,嘴硬心软的造型屋老板Rain,口无遮拦的大学生Bobby和市侩爱炫的村长儿子Alan,聚集在这生活朴实但充 满人情味的美丽小村子, 一起继承这门传统习俗。
到底会怎样 ?? 希望可在新年前到戏院看看是什么回事??
c ? i didnt cheat u ma... reli gt dis type of ttn... >
wow... yesterday juz bak oli ar... so tired la... i went to Bentong last Friday n i so happy c0z i can eat d Bentong's food... like Curry Mee ,Wanton Mee ,ABC, n so on... so many n all are delicious... n u think gt dis type of ttn ?? a ICT ttn ??? 2day is Kee Hong's BD.... juz nw went mega 2 watch a movie 4 celebration ... all 2gether 11 ppl... n watch "New Moon".. i think dat is a boring movie c0z i dunno wat they r doing ??? haha... Praha chen hui n I by a cup n a BD card 4 him... so nice...
这个星期。。。 无线台42周年台庆剧“宫心计” 经已接近尾声了。。 最后两集 (32,33) 将在星期天晚间八时半首播。。
终于在十月十九日晚间八时半首播了。。 从第一集至今。。 幕幕都让我留下深刻的印象
希望结局篇的“宫心计" 不会让我失望..
2day was d 2nd times 2 went there... guess hu i saw again ??? [tip : stil a girl]
haiz... 2days saw 2 girls dat i noe went there n ttn... when i went into d room felt shocked again
c0z saw her.. still dunno hu ??
ok let me tel u... but dun say i say...
She is Chia See Yau !!! WTH??
yahoo !!!! Final year holidays started.. 2day was friday.. was d last day 4 d skul life at Form 4.. but i didnt go c0z so boring... haha... from now 20/11 until 3/1/10 holidays... but in dis 1 month++ wan do wat ??? go ttn ?? so lazy la.... bt my mum wan me 2 go Cambridge there ttn... ish !!!!! bt i dy 1 year ++ didnt go... haha... now stil raining !!! wat should I do ???? any1 can tel me wat should I do ??? i dun wan waste my holidays time n dun wan go Cambridge ttn... ish !!!!!
2day went 2 watched movie 2012 wif friends... we went in bout 4.35pm++ c0z of u, kai kai.. u come late n caused us late 2 go in... dis movie bout 2 hours 30min... so long... in d movie... we can see dat d end of the world... so scary... i watched until i wan cry.. c0z so touched.. we oso can c dat d big waves was coming 2 our earth submerged it... so scary... now is 2009.. another years is 2012.. hope on d year we still can live n hope d end of the world will not happen...
2day so boring la... c0z went 2 Kamunlau 2 join "Dragon Charity Show"... wah so boring c0z all d singer i dunno n there is no water 2 drink... d drink juz oli 4 VIP n VVIP oli !!!! haiz.. so kesian la... some singer sing Hokkien song... me n chen hui dunno wat d song mean... haiz.. so kesian la !!! y i went there ?? c0z Miss Yong gave d ticket 2 us... Its free so we went lo... but after we went we noe dat there is no water !!! haiz... i think i went there juz play hp oli !!!! I hope dat this type of charity show gt M-Girls if not i will not go...
今天可说是我们最悲痛的日子。。。 正因我们的朋友 - 凯德 经离我们而去。。 当我们得到这消息时, 我们全班立即静了起来。。 有些哭的就哭 有些伤心的伤心。。 但我也不列外。。 虽然我不是很认识他。。 但我已认定他是我的朋友了。。
我不明白。。 为什么神要在这时把他给带走呢 ? 正因什么理由要把他给带走?? 为什么非要把我们给弄哭 ? 弄伤心 ? 我们真的是很伤心的。。 您可以不可以不要把我们给弄哭?是不是您要把我们给弄哭你才安心呢? 我们的心里总是带着这个疑问。。 愿您能一一回答我们心中的疑问。。
你放心吧。。 我们会照顾我们自己。。别会让你在天堂的那一方得不到安宁。。
yer... Joe Ma Tse Suet Sam Sharon Chan n Kevin Cheng came 2 ECM Ktn yesterday... but i didnt went c0z
- 2 many ppl so cannot go
- i didnt subscribe Astro On Demand Dragon Pack so I cannot b d guest..
my friends Pei Shan n Han Wei went yesterday... they can get their signature but me leh ??? i oso wan !!!! hu can korban utk saya ??? im so jealous la.... T.T...
2day was d day dat free from exam !!!! after exam bout 2 weeks n 2 days... so tired la ... but now... no nid 2 do revision dy... haha...but after exam my ttn teacher stil wan 2 ttn haiz... after exam stil wan ttn 4 wat ??? ish... after i wan go 2 mega 2 watch d movie... Doraemon: Nobita & The Giant Legend Of Green Planet ... d release date is 2day... but dunno mega's GSC got release dis movie a not?? i reli wan watch ....
2day dy finished Physics paper 1 , 2 n 3 !!! 1 day exam 3 papers !!! so tired .... 2day until 1.40pm den paper 3 finished... its reli so tired... but 1 more paper is chinise paper 2 !!! dis paper at dis Thursday !!! after dis paper , its reli like free from d prison.... free from exam n free from doing revision.... but 2molo no exam... dunno wan go a not ??? if i didnt go den no ppl will take d buku ponteng... den principle will scold us... so wat i shall do ???? God... can u tel me wat i shall do ???
yesterday was d day b4 add math exam !!! so i woke up early c0z i wan watch drama... when about 11am went 2 add math ttn... after ttn when 2 ate lunch... d food so delicious... until my stomach cant filled in more... after dat went 2 Parkson c0z last day of grand sales !!! all d things very cheap !! bout 4.30 went bak n i slept on d floor c0z 2 tired la.... slept until bout 7.00... i didnt ate dinner c0z no appetite.. so after bath n do add math revision... until 10.30pm den go n sleep again n wake up at 5.30am dis morning c0z do d last revision of add math !!! 2day's add math paper 1 stil ok ok lo... c0z many of them can do but paper 2..do until i wan vomit my blood ... c0z 1 word... HARD!!!!!! but thx God c0z add math finally dy over n 2molo is physics !!! wah 3 papers in 1 day !!! hope i wont die n hope God will continue bless me until d exam finished !!!
善恶 未报最终需要代价
眉目如雪 未染细沙
若抱住 别作梦 未得宠
看到的 听到的 不要信
遗憾是 闭起眼时
爱得深 说得真 别感动
再锥心 再刻骨 不觉痛
无奈是 两手相拥
誓约 在美景中火化
直到 玉砌最终都变败瓦
人事常变 泪会结疤
若抱住 别作梦 未得宠
看到的 听到的 不要信
遗憾是 闭起眼时
爱得深 说得真 别感动
再锥心 再刻骨 不觉痛
曾极恨 也可相拥
haiz... until now juz finished 14 papers !!! 14 papers ONLY !!!!! haiz... so sienzzzzzz la... always exam !!! hate exam !!! next week stil got exam 4 add math physics n chinese paper 2 !!!! after dat went "Old Town" 2 work !!! wan earn money ... c0z wan by new hp... haha
after skul went 2 "Old Town" interview wif friends (but i wont tel u hu).... ish....2day so unlucky... my bicycle tyre pumcit... haiz.. but luckily repaired.... so we went there bout 2.45pm... c0z my bicycle... after dat we went in n ask... d female manager so "yong sui" !!! i reli dislike her !!! n she also said we cant work 2gether !!!! wan separate us !!! ish... so jin ar !!!! haiz... nvm la... asal we can get d salary den ok lo !!!!!
final exam had been started yesterday !!! yesterday started BM exam ... so hard la especially is d essay (bout patriotisme) but d section B ok ok lo... not so hard... but 2days BI paper 1.... so hard la... d essay section A !!! n d paper 2 hard 2 !!!! d literature... wan write bout d ending of d short story whether is sad or happy !!! so hard !!!! n Monday exam Math n History paper 1 !!! hate history so much !!!!
Pn Ooi... actually i wan ask u... R U CRAZY ?????? c0z she gave us many add math exercise 2 us n let us do... (hmm... i think got 3 papers !!!!) so many ar n so hard !!!! n 2day she gave us do d workbook "Year End Assesment" (Paper 1) got 25 questions .... all so hard !!! n she wan us 2 pass up d 3 paper n workbook !!! wat d... so 001, i wan ask u.... "R U CRAZY ??????"
< wow ~~~ Billy take my pic when im eating !!!! ish....
2day last day 4 d skul day c0z 2molo cuti peristiwa... n dis Saturday is Deepavali... so Billy cal me 2 stay bak 2 teach him chemistry... ish... b4 dat we went east grill 2 eat... ish.... i dunno y he wan take d pic when im eating ??? dunno y ??? y y tel me y ???? bout 2.30pm we dy finished n walked bak 2 skul... at skul pps... i taught him d chemistry bout d calculation... after dat he do add math !!! bout 4.30pm i went bak home c0z i got bm ttn ... ish
2day is my BD.... many friends wish me Happy BD.... at night we went out 2 eat dinner wif cousins.... although i didnt get any present.... but i also feel happy c0z 2day is my happiest day
yeah ~~~ 11/10 is arrived !!! 2day is my birthday !!! so happy.... although i didnt celebrate every year ... didnt receive present every year... but i feel very happy... dunno y ? may b i juz hope wan 2 live happily... yesterday about 9.30pm Angela (from CPC Christian Praise Center) called me.. she wanted me 2 go church(c0z since form 3 i didnt go) but i didnt say wan 2 go c0z i reli bz 2 prepare my final exam !!! i told her i will go bak 2 church after my final exam !!!! Lastly wish me Happy Birthday !!! n hope all my friends will be happy 4eva !!! XD
2day is 10/10 .... as usual i went 4 chemistry ttn .... after ttn... i imediately went bak home 2 start doing my work... wah so tired la from 1.30 pm until 6.00pm... ish c0z final exam is juz around d corner !!! 22/10 is final exam !!!!! 2molo is my birthday... hope 2molo haf a nice day... XD
from now i think not more than 3 weeks den wan final exam liao~~~ haiz~~~ so many wan 2 read ar !!!!!! hope god will bless me 2 get a good result !!! THX GOD I love u !!!!!
juz back from sha sha's house.... praha liang wei matthew n me went there bout 2.00pm... sha sha lives inside d police camp... after dat we went 2 her house... her house at 10th floor.. so tall... after we ate... we went 2 her friend's house, Alina... b4 we went 2 Alina's house... sha sha's mother gave us green pau... we thanked her... bout 4.00pm we went bak... we reli thanked them a lot....
dis is d korean drama dat i like most " Six Children" This is bout 1 woman whose her husband was passed away... den she decided 2 bring her 6 children up ....
This drama very touching.... until i wan cry.... it reli very touching... i noe some of u didnt like watch dis kind of drama... but i promise.. its very intersting...
haha... cant wait 2molo 2 go syah syah's house !!!! c0z 2molo is Hari Raya.... She invite me, praha, liang wei, n matthew 2 go her house !!!! cant imagine wat will happen when we go there... haha.... dunno sam can go a not ?
你是我的身上一个病菌 怎么挥也挥不止尽
偷偷爬入我的心 让我不能安宁 看了医生说我有病
你在偷食我的心 唉 心神不定 就算白雪公主也得逃命
偷了我的心 又装着不明 那位专家来救命
眼泪和珠儿在灌溉 茶不思来饭也不理睬
护士医生快快来 将我的心往回里塞
喔来救命 谁来救救我的心 我已患了单思病
喔快救命 谁来救救我的情 十五六岁患了单思病 ( x2)
well 2day is our Math teacher last day at our skul SMKAP.... haiz.... so kesian la she go 2 SABS skul.... ish... 2day she looked very happy when she saw Ken Chean c0z he is our class's d funniest ppl !!!! he makes Pn Niu so happy.... hope she will come back 2 SMKAP again 2 visit our dis students espically is 4M class
haiz... holiday again .... dis time got 10 days holidays ar !!! so long from now i wan rush my ict work n my refrence books c0z many havent finished ...... ish
last tuesday dy passed up d moral folio... all d 8 essay dy finished n d 4 bidang include 2 alam sekitar 1 kekeluargaan n 1 perkembangan diri.... d perkembangan diri i do bout Hari Koko.... now dy feel relax la c0z dy finished n passed up~~~
wah 9/9/09 is d death time lo c0z wan pass up d moral folio~~ i havent do la but d 8 esssay i dy finished... d 8 esssay very long ar... write until hand pain ish now juz laporan dunno how 2 do haiz
yeah start holiday dy yahoo !!!! from now wan start 2 do moral folio dy haiz T.T
so wish all of u HAPPY HOLIDAY !!!!! yeah
当中少不免 道别离
时日过 谁能成为大器
危难里 我会陪着你
时日过 谁能成为大器
危难里 我会陪着你
yesterday went yum cha at 9 pm wif hui jie hui yi kee hong praha shin chin n kah hoe at old town~~~ at there we saw our moral teacher Pn Ng n her family ~~~ we bersembang at there till 11 sth after dat we went hang kai after dat went back home
last week my ttn teacher dy gif me a english name ~ Ryan !!!! o no !!! y she gif me dis name ? c0z she always call my name wrongly !!!! she call me as my brother's name !!!! ish~~~~ so she gif me dis name ~ " Ryan" ~~~ i like dis name !!!! hope she wont cal my name again wrongly
yeah !!!! August 11 moonlight resonance wan on show !!!! i like dis drama !!!! dis drama got Moses Chan Linda Chung Sussana Kwan Raymond Lam and so on !!!! i dy watched dis drama last year !!!! i dl dis drama !!!! after i saw i like dis drama !!!! so dis time i watch it again !!!!
yesterday was 1st of August... so my skul (SMKAP) organized a Carnival Coco... our class got open stall !!!! haha Praha Chen Chiaw Kee Hong Yi Qing Chen Hui n me open d stall !!! we sell carbonated drink food such as jelly sandwish potato wedges hotdog bread cheesezzzzy hotdog... bout 6 ~ 7 types carbonated dink we sold like Root beer, 7 up ,100 plus ,apple juice ,float and so on... all types of drink n food we sold RM 1.50 !!! so cheap !!! finally we dy earned RM 225 !!!! wah so many !!!! but after d Carnival Coco really very tired la~~~~ hope next year we can organized again !!!!
hu can help me search dis song n dl it 2 me ????? if u searched i wan mp3 1 c0z my hp juz oli can put mp3 thx~~~~~
dis is song dat i wan search :
i wan full version !!!!! thx!!!!~~~~
If you wonder off too far
My love will get you home
If you follow the wrong star
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
My love will get you home
If your troubles break your stride
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
f you ever feel ashame
My love will get you home
If its only you to blame
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
finally on air last week~~~~~~~~breakfast ? she went to Desa Jaya Kepong to eat BAH KU TEH !!!! wow~~~ no meat inside !!! juz oli vegetables !!! lunch ate fried rice !!! it originated from Hong Kong !!! tea time ? drink soya bean d beans are originated from Canada dinner ? fish !!! many types of fish n lastly supper was ate porridge
muahahahah~~~~ 2day went 2 Taman Budaya 4 a presentation~~~~ d presentation was bout d malacca trip which was organized by Tourism Malaysia on 26 March ~ 28 March 2009... b4 d presentation, we ned 2 do like powerpoint brochure n paste d brochure at manila card... we went there by teacher's car ~~ Puva Kamalia n I was went by Mr Ching's car while Hui Shan Hui Juan n Boon Ying went byPn Angelina's car. muahahaha~~~~ when we arrived there our brochure which was pasted on d manila card was pasted at d sign board~~~ after sing Negaraku, ucapan Pengarah Tourism Malaysia n pengarah PPD our presentation was started~~~ 1st team was SMK Mat Kilau~~~ our skul was team 4~~~ after all d skul's presentation Hui Shan was sang at there~~ wah so nice~~~ after dat was gif d certificate 2 all d skul 's peserta~~ muahahaha~~~ after eating some keropok Kamalia Boon Ying Puva n I was went back by Pn Angelina's car~~~ in d car, Kamalia told some jokes~~~ muahahahaha~~~ until teacher oso laugh~~~~ muahahah~~~ Teacher oso very baik hati she sent us 2 home 1 by 1~~~~ muahahahaha~~~~ finally d programme was over!!!!! muahahahahahaha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dis time Chui Ling brought us 2 PJ 2 eat Hainan Chicken Rice.... d boss use 2 kg chicken to make dis Hainan Chicken Rice.... dis restaurant at PJ lunch ? went 2 Kota Damansara "Wok Cafe" 2 eat Penang Nyonya Prawn Noodels.... if u think ice cream very fat ? no u guess wrong dy... at Damansara Utama "Big Ice Cafe" 's ice cream wont fat ... it juz oli RM 3.90/serve... dinner ? dis time she order a shark fin wif crab meat !!! wah so delicious !!! she oso ate tofu pok !! finally supper ~ she ate Hokkien Mee which fried with charcoal !!! look nice
2day 29 June 2009 was d teacher Lincih Dollah last day at our SMK Air Putih skul !!! haiz... she teach us moral ~~~ haiz she say dat wan go back 2 Sabah 2molo 10 am!!!! She say dat she was d trainer at our skul 4 2 months..... b4 went back 2 Sabah, she took picture wif us !!!! she oso gif us a key chain !!! wah so nice !!!! ( she say dat d key chain made by herself) Lincih Dollah teacher i will miss u !!!! i will miss u 4ever n ever !!! Lincih Dollah teacher , good luck n bcome a best teacher at Sabah !!!! n oso must always miss us 4M students !!!! muackzzzz !!!!
last week 1day5meals episode 3 on air~~~ dis time she brought us to Puchong Char Kee n ate mee wif black sause n soup... d soup very nice lunch ? she went 2 Jln Puchong oso Restorant Kim Lee drank a soup which is swine stomach soup wif Sarawak black pepper~~~ tea time~~ wah she ate a pillow pau at Cheras!!! d pillow pau really like a pillow!!! very big~~~ dinner? wah so delicious lah~~~ got green curry fish curry mutton n so on at Equine Park lastly supper ~~~ she ate porriage again dis porriage very special it juz oli RM 4 !!!! wah !!!!
last week 1day5meals episode 2 finally on air..... dis time Chui Ling went to "Hong Char Guan" to eat kuih tepung.... d boss said that their kuih tepung very long, thin n very smooth... 1 bowl RM 5... lunch ? she went Jln Pudu Restorant Tim Kee ate fish talapia with sause.... tea time she ate "Tofu Fa" at Petaling Street... dinner ? she ate sambal sotong n petai , cendol n vegetable.. do u noe d restorant cendol oli RM 1... wah so cheap!!! den supper she drank porrige eg tofu n vegetable... fina;;y she didnt left any money... means RM 50 was used until finished....
last 2 weeks it started Mid-term exam(13-05-2009,Wednesday) d period was 2 n a half weeks there was 10 subjects in d exam .... BM,BI,MM,History,Moral,Add Math,Physics,Chemistry,Chinese, n ICT.... it almost 1 day 1 subjects 2 papers...haiz~~~~ so long ar d time !!!! d paper 2 's exam time almost 2 hours something haiz~~~~~ all d subjects i can do but ICT ~~~~haiz so hard ar!!!!! so hope God will bless me 2 get a better result...
yesterday was d day 4 Pn Mazlina at SMKAP haiz~~~~ our skul wan miss such as d good teacher... i miss her so much... dunno hu will represent her ? haiz~~~ hope she will happy when she at d new skul n hope oso she will come back 2 skul 2 visit us lah!!!!!

lalalalalalalalalala ( 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦)
lalalalalalalalalala ( 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦)
1 day 5 meals ( 一 日 五 餐)
not afraid nothing 2 eat ( 晤 怕 无 野 食)
juz afraid not nice 2 eat ( 最 怕 晤 好 食)
1 day 5 meals ( 一 日 五 餐)
1 day 5 meals ( 一 日 五 餐)
1 day 5 meals...... ( 一 日 五 餐)
until now already 2 weeks liao..... dy finished 6 1/2subjects included : BM, BI, MM, CHEMISTRY, MORAL, HISTORY n CHINESE paper 1.....
d chemistry paper 1 so hard!!!!! ish~~~~~ dunno how 2 do leh.... but paper 2 n paper 3 is still ok ok chinese paper 1 oso ok
2day oli 12 students go 2 skul wah break d record..... n i noe my result 4 my history n mathematics my history got 45% n mathematics i got 74% ish~~~~
next week is d last week 4 exam~~~ got ict physics n add math exam~~~ hope God will bless me in add math n physics~~~~ THX..... GOD!!!!

dis drama's artise included:Tavia Yueng, Moses Chan, Susanna Kwan, Charmaine Sheh, n so on... so many d artise include....
" 宫 心 计" 剧 情 介 绍 :
last Wednesday (13-05-2009), its juz started Mid-term exam.... ish~~~~ 1st day was Bm 1&2 while d 2nd day was Bi 1&2 n history.... n friday was MM 1&2... d bm 1 section B i choosed question 1~~~ bout d benifits of joinning cocuriculum~~~ at 1st i think i cant rite bout 300 words but at last i can rite it !!!! i rite about 382 words !!! haha~~~ n d Bi 2 oso same thing... but finally i can rite till 400 sth!!!! haha i rite bout d way 2 keep ur skul clean n beauty~~~~
next Monday is Teacher's Day... wan go 2 skul... y wan go leh ? if didnt go will kena demerits... ish~~~~~ n next week stil wan exam 4 moral chemistry 1 2 n 3 history 2..... i hate 2 hafal d nilai of moral lei haiz~~ but still wan exam... nvm lah juz try my best... haha ~~~~~~~~~~ n hope God will bless me 2 get good result !!!!!
ish~~~~~~~~~~~~ next week wan exam lor..... y always wan exam 1 ? dis mid-term exam about 2 weeks more ish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i hate exam !!!!!! T.T hu can help me ????? hope dis time mid-term exam can get better result lar.... hope God will bless me 2 get d best result !!!!! thx u !!!! God
2day is d last day 4 April...1st period n 2nd period is ICT... 2day our group wan present a presentation about ICT work - hacking.... after present... teacher gif full marks (oli 2 marks) when chemistry period, teacher wan us 2 do Peka Chemistry about d boiling n cooling point of d naphthalene... when teacher write d words "naphthalene"... she write 2 "naphthale" (got dis word mie?) haiz...whatever lah... d 2nd times teacher oso write "naphthalene" 2 "naphthale"... haiz 2day teacher dy eat wat types of medicine until she so hungry den eat d "ne" or may be she getting crazy ? dunno lah... when moral period... teacher gif quiz.... she wan us 2 say out d nilai n formula from Chapter 1~5... after finish den explain d chapter 5 bout "hak pengguna" 1...she wan us 2 draw d OKU n wanita inside d nilai book... Mathematics period.... we went back at 1.45pm but she dun let us 2 went back c0 she wan 2 finished last 2 questions.... during MM period.... d afternoon season teacher do d annoucement...about d classes wan go 2 hall (but actually is at canteen c0z hall is used by form 3 student 4 JUJ) after dat she noe her wrong dy... she immediately change n do annoucement again.... Pn Niu look so angry c0z d teacher d halang her 2 teach us MM !
2molo is 1st of May(Labour Day) so no skul lor.... but Praha wan go 2 KL 2molo c0z she wan c Lee Hom Music Man concert.... so hope she will enjoy d concert !!!!!!!
finally i got all my April test result yesterday (24-4-09) !!!!
dis time my result was better den February test !!! although i got same A's wif Feb's test but i still happy wif my result.... let's c wat i got in April test :
BM - 76%
BI - 86%
BC - 62%
Chemistry - 76%
Physics - 65%
MM - 78% (2 more marks i get A1) !!!! so angry
SJ - 49% ( i cant belive i can pass my history c0z i juz simply do)
Add Math - 14% ( i juz fail my add math c0z i blank many questions)
Moral - 50%
ICT - 69% !! (1more mark can get A2 !! if not i can get 5 A's )
there's my result.... haiz but less 3 weeks is all d skul's bad dream !!! is Mid-term Exam !!! T.T from now i wan be more hardworking 2 get d best result !!! wish me gud luck !!!!
2day was d day 4 d April test (16-4-09) ! im so happy !
1st day 4 April test (14-4-09)
got bm , add math , math n moral test... haiz d add math was prepared by Miss Phuah Wei Yng so difficult leh.... i blank so many... T.T d bm test i even have no time finish my test ! it got 1 essay n 2 novel questions ! but it juz gif 1 hour 2 do ...
2nd day 4 April test (15-5-09)
got english , physics , chemistry n history test... d 1st 3 subjects its ok ok... its were ez... but history ... haiz die lah ... so difficult.... actually i so lazy 2 read history 1 ... i so lazy memorise lah... i haf ask teacher how's my result... she say so bad !!!!
3rd day 4 April test (16-4-09)
last day 2 April test... so happy ! got ict n chinese test ! ict it ok ok lor... chinese 2... its ez can say in lvl 1 ~ 2
im so happy 2 day c0z i got 2 A2 (chemistry n math) chemistry i got 76% n math i got 78% so happy but i angry wif d math c0z 2 more marks i get A1 ! haiz...
but less dan 1 more month wan Mid-term lor haiz.... wan do revision again !! haiz... T.T hu can help me !!!????
Last Thursday , (26Mac 09) i went 2 Malacca 2 join a programme which is "Programme Pelancongan Pelajar"(3P) . I went there wif Pn Angelina, Hui Juen, Boon Ying, Kamalia, n Puvameswary. Teacher juz choose 5 ppl oli 4 dis trip.
d 1st day (26Mac 2009)
On dat day i went 2 Pejabat Tourism Malaysia Pahang Jalan Mahkota. we all berkumpul there... after 30 minute we bertolaklah 2 Malacca..... dis journey took about 6 hours (wah so long leh) when 3.30pm we arrive at Hotel Orkid.... so we check in lor... in dis time 1 of d organiser divide hui juen 2 same room wif me n anothr 2 malay boy...haha... den d ppl gif her 2 same room wif another 1 malay girl haha....about 4.00pm we went 2 restaurant 2 eat "lunch" (so late we ate lunch haiz.....) den 5.00pm we went 2 Kampong Morten 2 visit . we visited 1 of d owner father's house, name Villa Sentosa . d owner talk about d history about d Kampong Morten... d house like a museum.... we take many photo.... den we went back 2 hotel 2 rest.... after ate dinner we went 2 lvl 10 (d hotel) 4 an activity it juz like introduce about d programme...its take bout 2 hours.... (so long leh) after dat we went 2 sleep...
2nd day (27 Mac2009)
after we ate breakfast, we went 2 Bandar Hillir 2 visit Dutch Square, Clock Tower, Bastion Middleburg n Stadthusys(Muzium Sejarah dan Ethnografi)... d musuem like a maze! when all ppl leave d musuem... it juz left 5 of us... pn angelina cal us 2 came out...)y we so late 2 came out ? c0z inside got many things 2 c !!!) so we run out d musuem... we dunno where is d exit c0z it juz like a big maze!!!! 10.00am, we went 2 St. Paul Hill it very tall... n visited Istana Kesultanan Melayu... inside d musuem got tel many history about malacca..
den went 2 ate lunch... after dat we went 2 Menara Taming Sari... it's a turning tower from there can c all d town of malacca....it is 80 metre tall so high(but kamalia so scared haha) den we went 2 Muzium Samudera n Masjid Selat... d musuem like a big ship... inside oso got many history about malacca.... we got take many photo... den went back 2 hotal n rest... after dinner we went 2 Eye On Malaysia(it 60 meter tall i think n got 42 cable).... Kamalia so scared c0z she scared tall... in d cable can sit 6 ppl... we sit wif another 2 teacher.... they laughed when c Kamalia so scared.... we oso laughed... 1 of d teacher wan kencing dy... haha den we went 2 Malacca River Cruise... d river 9km long its take 45 minute 2 go n back .... d boat driver told us many history about d buidings which r bside d river after dat we went back 2 hotel 2 sleep... so tired c0z we went back bout 12 something... (of course lar so tired)
last day in malacca (28 Mac2009)
afetr breakfast we checked out d hotel... den we went 2 Ayer Keroh we arrived at Taman Mini Malaysia at 10.30am at there got many traditional houses in diferrent of state (Pahang Penang Sarawak Sabah n so on) at there got 1 persembahan . it about traditional dance 4 malay n indian... i got recorded it... hu wan c come n find me....we oso went 2 bee musuem.... den went 2 Zoo Malacca... it got many species (bout 200 species n bout 1200 animals) when 1.00pm we ate lunch in d Zoo... after dat we went back 2 KTN lah....
1 松下为什么没索尼强?
答案:panasonic (怕了索尼哥)
2 A和C谁比较高呢?
答案:C比较高 (因为ABCD A比C低)
3 橡皮、老虎皮、狮子皮哪一个最不好?
答案:橡皮。 (橡皮差)
4 怎样使麻雀安静下来?
5 小白加小白等于什么?
答案:小白兔 (TWO)
6 如果有一台车,小明是司机,小华坐在他右边,小花坐在他后面,请问这台车是谁的呢??
7 有一只狼来到了北极,不小心掉到冰海中,被捞起来时变成了什么?
8 四个人在屋子里打麻将,警察来了,却带走了5个人,为什么?
9 为什么飞机飞这么高都不会撞到星星呢?
10 一天,一块三分熟的牛排在街上走着,突然他在前方看到一块五分熟的牛排,可却没有理会他。他们为什么没打招呼?
11 有一个胖子,从高楼跳下,结果变成了什么?
12 有两个人掉到陷阱里了,死的人叫死人,活人叫什么?
13 有一只鲨鱼吃下了一颗绿豆,结果它变成了什么?
14 丹丹是小狗的名字还是小老虎的名字?
15 鸡的妈妈是谁?
答案:纸 直升机(纸生鸡)
16 有ABCD..26个字母,如果ET走后剩多少个?
答案:21个 ET开走了UFO
17 风的孩子叫什么?
答案:水起 (风生水起)
18 哪种动物最没有方向感?
答案:麋鹿 (迷路)
19 狼、老虎和狮子谁玩游戏一定会被淘汰?
答案:狼 (桃太郎)
20 红豆家的小孩是谁?
答案:南国 (红豆生南国)
ooo no.... i finally got all my exam results.... haiz dis February test i juz gto 4 A2 haiz.............................. T.T
February Test :
Bm : 68% -B3
Bi : 78% -A2 (2 more marks i got A1 !!!!!!)
Mm: 55% - B5
Add Math : 51% - B5
Moral : 73% - A2
Chemistry : 64% - B3
Physics : 76% - A2
Bc : 60% - B4
Ict : 52% - B5
Sj : 70% - A2
haiz c my results.... so bad... but it ok ok lah c0z i got 4 A2.... haha
1-3-2009 went 2 watch 18 years old movie " Love Matter" oh yeah.... dis is d movie dat 18 years old ppl n watch 1......haha i went wif my friends we watched 3.25pm 1... its a Kuala Lumpur movie.... funny....
Love Matters" is a movie revolving around three main protagonists - 52-year-old Tan Bo Seng, his 17-year-old teenage son Benny and 36-year-old Jeremy, Bo Seng's 'adopted' brother - and their accidental journey in seeking and keeping love and happiness. Bo Seng (Henry Thia) who leads a routine life attempts to revive the passion with his wife Jia Li (Yeo Yann Yann). Jeremy (Jack Lim) lives a colourful life; with "Never to commit" as his motto for love. Benny (Alex Leong) has just started school life and his only distraction is his crush, Jennifer (Natalli) who is his classmate's girlfriend.
its take about 1hour 57minutes.... i tel u lah its more funny den "All Well's End Well's" dis "Love Matter" really very funny.....
82 集 超 级 长 篇 连 续 剧<< 珠 光 宝 气>> 经 已 圆 满 大 结 局...... 这 套 连 续 剧 实 在 太 长...... ( 在13-2-2009 晚 上9.30 在 astro on demand)
珠 光 宝 气 主 题 曲( 钻 禧)
关 淑 怡
花 枝 挤 天 地 凭 名 气 凭 灵 气
凭 傻 气 凭 什 么 可 采 探 自 己
招 展 惹 妒 忌 谁 狂 喜 谁 随 喜
谁 扬 起 一 身 珠 光 宝 气
风 眼 下 耀 眼 的 对 象 没 有 心 眼 又 怎 鉴 定
心 底 的 精 确 卖 相 经 过 金 粉 檫 亮
谁 又 坚 贞 得 跟 钻 石 较 量
谁 曾 在 华 丽 国 浮 荡 流 尽 冷 汗
顿 觉 可 以 被 拥 抱 着 看 星 光 更 风 光
谁 曾 盛 放 为 了 可 以 被 看
却 不 鉴 辨 婚 戒 便 疯 狂
多 少 卡 宝 藏 是 要 将 爱 念 永 久 珍 藏
多 少 卡 感 动 的 钻 禧 都 矜 贵 耐 看
多 姿 的 演 技 纯 如 钻 强 如 钢 求 完 美
无 暇 的 可 收 买 自 己
多 彩 里 竞 技 随 时 机 随 玄 机
随 年 纪 找 真 假 的 福 气
风 眼 下 耀 眼 的 对 象 没 有 心 眼 又 怎 鉴 定
心 底 的 精 确 卖 相 经 过 金 粉 檫 亮
谁 又 坚 贞 得 跟 钻 石 较 量
谁 曾 在 华 丽 国 浮 荡 流 尽 冷 汗
顿 觉 可 以 被 拥 抱 着 看 星 光 更 风 光
谁 曾 盛 放 为 了 可 以 被 看
却 不 鉴 辨 婚 戒 便 疯 狂
多 少 卡 宝 藏 是 要 将 爱 念 永 久 珍 藏
多 少 卡 感 动 的 钻 禧 都 矜 贵 耐 看

2day i go 4 activity of mandarin club.....(新春联谊会) at skul hall....about 10.45am i arrive at skul bus stop there... i saw ariel at d bus stop there n listening 2 d songs(dunno wat song...) den he wan my hp n sen some videos...... when 10.55am chen hui arrived 2.... we walk in d skul 2gether after ariel sen d videos chen hui cal 2 kee hong 2 ask where was he (actually he arrived earlier than us den he went 2 hall n wait) when we walked 2 d hall we saw them (kee hong liang wai kean chean n ka hoe) we sat 2gether.... about 11.05am d show started...1st of all is 舞狮表演 i think they use about 20 min 2 finish d show......after dat is skul choir n sang cny song..... dunno what they sang c0z so not very loud... after dat was smkap dancing girls dancing 2 welcome d guests..wah so intersting...c0z got many girls haha.... den principal n d chairman of PIBG致词 den guests write chinese kaligrafi n gif gift... haha now is d show time 4 tarian of malay indian n chinese.... after all d tarian.... ang hui shan n mohd nabil sang cny song!!!!! wah nabil so geng!!! when 12.50pm we gif d coco book 2 teacher 2 sign.....
2day i go 2 skul 4 sport practice when i arrive 2 skul i go 2 koperasi 2 find kakak when about 4.30 pm i saw my friend chen hui he give me a pic about Linda Chung (wah so beautiful but i mean her face her skirt not very beautiful) den teachers come(pn hasmah pn kartini pn siti maslina n bla bla bla i dunno d other teachers name) i ask pn kartini will she miss me (c0z last year she teach me Kemahiran Hidup) she say no... (oh hurt my heart) after dat we run 1 round 2 warm up . after dat we practice "lontar peluru" "lompat jauh" "larian" n "lompat tinggi" (wah so lazy lah wan practice 4 skul sport) about 5.30pm its tme 2 go back i walk wif chen hui ... we talk a lot about friends teachers n primary school life......
haiz 2molo wan go 2 skul 4 activity mandarin club..... so boring.... T.T hope 2molo haf many intersting show........
2day so funny.......let see wat happen.... 2day Wai Mun ask Sharon Hong's hp num....but she is shy so she didnt gif him...haha...den d whole class noe dy.... 2day form 6 student gif me d sweet paper n i suggest dat wan 2 play Wai Mun.... so i ask Kee Hong, Ka Hoe n Chen Hui wheater they wan or not. They say ok.... hmmm we suggest 2 by package E which is RM1.20. so we all gif RM0.30 each. we promise dat we didnt tel any1(but finally i dy tel praha) on d other way Wai Mun, Chien Tern n Kean Chean play game (rock,scissors n paper) d rule is if he lose ask Sharon again 4 her hp num. Finally he lose dy.....he so stuBbornly went and ask the num..but he say he win(but actually he is lose...haha) wif dis time i ask Sharon will he accept Wai Mun if he ask her 2 get 2gether....she say dunno.....after dat Wai Mun ask again 4 her hp num. but she didnt reply him.... dats d end of story.
haiz 2day i stay back 4 d mesyuarat agong persatuan bahasa mandarin(wah so boring...actually like dis metting is boring 1) from 2.30pm until 3.30pm (wah so long 1 hour leh) dats y i say so boring.....haiz..... T.T
2day is my 1st day i go chemistry tuition...haha so happy....... when i arrive d tuition teacher's house (wah so far.... at bukit sekilau there)... when i go in, d teacher name Mrs Katty, she call me 2 fill in d form about myself....(excluding d favorite and bla bla bla haha i dunno) after dat i pay fee RM 110 (wah so expensive) including d fee n photostat fee..... den she ask me y im so shy 2 talk? i say i dunno haha.... after dat i go n take a seat.... i saw my friend chien tern haha..... after about 5 minutes she call us 2 go in room n wait..... when d clock show 4pm chen hui is come.... haha he also my friend.... after dat she came in n start 2 teach u noe hoa many ppl is in tuition? haha is 3 (what? 3 oli ar? den chien tern ask teacher got girl or not.. she say got but 2day didnt come)haha... she wan us 2 do homework(chapter map-dat mean when teaching 1 chapter she wan us 2 do map) she wan us 2 use colourful pen n write... she also said dat use short-cut.... b4 dat she say about d rules in d home tuition.... she wan us 2 shake hand when arrive n when wan go home.....(what d rule like dis?) den i ask her can i except? she said she is d principal in d tuition.....den we start our lesson (chapter 1) in d middle of time, teacher say "Oh My God" den i teach teacher 2 say "omedingtuimuch" but she dunno how 2 pronouse. after dat she wan us do homework(wah so hard lah) n now is time 2 finish....haha b4 i leave i shake hand wif her.... haha den i go home n create d new blog here.....