yesterday reli was a memorable n nice day 4 me , nelly , wei tsong n oso su li... it is bcz wei tsong brought us 2 go LOST WORLD OF TAMBUN ~ reli had fun wif u all =)
7.00 am i woke up den gif every 1 a morning cal XD after i prepared den i went 2 nelly's house den walk 2gether 2 su li's house... v dy said dat 7.30aam walked 2 bus station de but late lo but luckily can wait dou bus 2 go Ipoh ~ dat time dy bout 8.30 so after got in d bus n paid .... den i wan watched bak d video dat day of yesterday v go sing k geh video... reli funny ~ after dat wat 2 do ? sleep early wake up....
about 1 hour den arrived Ipoh dy ~ cz near ma so faz arrived lo.... after got out from bus den wait 4 wei tsong father come n fetch us... den bak 2 his house n wait him 2 prepare n fetch us 2 go 4 breakfast... after breakfast bout 11.00 like dis la... den terus go 2 d LOST WORLD ~
luckily yesterday is friday n oso no skul holiday if nt it will had a serious traffic jam ... so arrived there smoothly XD
arrived there sure wan take photos ma... abo hw can "memory" can appear leh ?? haha ~ after dat bought ticket n go in lo... b4 dat they wan checked our bag juz wan 2 make sure didnt brought any illegal things inside... den b4 entered they wan take photo again (pihak Lost World) after dat like a crazy children went inside... den take photo again... muahahaha ~
after put things n oso chg shirt den start 2 play water... many things 2 play like d water slides... 4 types water slides v dy tried... so ci gek XD den went 2 mini zoo oso ~ wheee ~many small cute animals inside it ... after dat went 2 play pirate ship... more ci gek tim !!!! i 1st time play dy feel ci gek dy... hehe ~ after dat went 2 hot spring ~ whee d water reli hot nie...
time almost 3.00 la den go 2 bath after dat plan 2 watch tiger show but unfortunately after bath den it RAIN !!!!!! so cancel d plan lu... den go c photos dat taken from them while v playing... after choose some photos den nelly bought an album as a memory XD
after sure went 2 eat lunch la... ate jor HK thing.. cz had a lunch at bout 4.00 at "Wong Kok Char Chan Teng"after having llunch den went 2 Jusco Kinta City 2 watch a movie - Nasi Lemak 2.0 wat a funny movie XD
after movie den went 2 bought biscuits dat Ipoh most famous 1 - 香饼... i oso gt bought n brought 2 hometown... after dat went 2 ipoh parade... at there i bought jor a new shirt... so beautiful... i like it so much ~ after dat went 2 had supper + dinner... after ate den balik 2 kampar lo... at his car i had a nap but wat they i stil can heard XD
so v oso make a convention dat 2molo huever dy arrived their home den d ppl muz sms 2 3 of us.. so v agree 2 do dat...
cz i dy bought 9.30 ticket den i wan sleep early after arrived kampar ~ after i packed up all my things den sleep lu...
dis was a reli funny + memorable day 4 us ~ hope dat our friendship wont chg although sem 2 v at different classes XD
2day is d laz day of d final exam... MECHANICS !!!! ish ~ btw i dun think any more cz it make many ppl dwn... haiz
<< Seven Cheah , Ryan Kean Yong , Seven Lim
after d exam go 5 xian wen them cz v dy said dat 2day after exam muz go sing K !!! so after dat v went eat lunch den decide wan go where 2 haf our Group 15 gathering... wan go Grand Kampar Hotel or 668 串串锅 ??after dat v go n c where is d better choice... Grand Kampar Hotel budget is RM 10 n cant make noise but at 668 串串锅 can make noise but budget is RM 20 ~ so finally v make d choice 2 go 668 串串锅~
after dat me, xian wen , wei tsong , chia hui , nelly n su li went 2 sing K ~ yeah ~ i reli wait 4 a long time dy muahahahaha cz cn show my "amazing" voice... kakaka ~ wow many songs i can sing dy n oso i so long time didnt sing K jor... like 爱你 , 爱的天灵灵,Super Star ... all d high songs i sang it all !!! dat time reli high !!!! =) so wei tsong dy kenal 2nd of me .... keke
after sang K almost 6.30 pm dah ~ so v terus went 2 668 串串锅 n start calling someone who can come den come la... almost 7.30pm many of them dy arrived !!! but b4 dat v dy start 2 eat dy =P although dis is a small gathering but it make us reli happy cz v haf a happy , noise , n crazy nite ...
after v had our great lunch become like dis XD >>>>>>>>>>
自从我来了金宝读拉曼大学,认识许多的朋友。尤其是我的GROUP - P Y1 S1 15 . 而且,还认识了这里的教授,她们全都很好啊!尤其是教生物学的教授 - Miss Chan Jer Jing , 教机械学的PRACTICAL Miss Ng Wei Ling , 教化学的TUTOR 和 PRACTICALMiss Lau Mei Chien 等等。。。 就连Ng Wei Ling我都认她为我的MUMMY了,你说我们的关系好不好??哈哈~
其实,自从我来了拉曼大学读之后,我发现到,我的GROUP - P Y1 S1 15 的人际关系很好噢!!好到我认为他们可说是我真正的朋友。。。尤其是你 - 潍聪~你和MUMMY可以说是我的。。。好知己。。。我有什么心事我第一个就会想到你和MUMMY。。。不知道为什么??可能我们的关系有别于人家吧?还是上天注定要让我遇见你们??我也不知道。。。真希望我们的友谊能延伸下去。。。 =)
P Y1 S1 15 !!! 你们可说是我的最好的朋友!!认识了你们,我从来没后悔过!!! 我是说真的。。真的很高兴认识你们!!我真的很高兴能和你们做了许多疯狂的事,但下个学期,你我都各分西东,但别忘记,我们还可以出来一起吃饭,出来喝茶的!!别忘了哦!!
还有,我真的很荣幸成为你们的代表。。。回想起当时,你们没人要当代表,所以我只好去当你们的代表。因我曾经也是个班长。。 哈哈~ 不知道还有机会当你们的代表吗?? 讲笑的啦 xD
这个学期即将完毕。。。最后,我想说的是。。。我很高兴认识你们!!! 加油吧!!♥
group members + Biology Tutor + lecture + practical teacher .... ♥ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
laz 2days after apple watched movie at my room here .... den she suggested dat wan go Ipoh Parade watch Harry Potter ~ since i havent go Ipoh b4 so decide go Ipoh wif them ....
yesterday UTAR organized a programme called Ice Breaking 4 d new students in foundation + degree students... so me apple su yee n dust went there 2 participate , but billy lazy 2 go ==lll cal him 2 go but always say lazy !!! ni mama de cake !!!! arrhh ... suan den me dust apple n su yee went lo ... dun wan bother him... hhu cal him so lazy ==
< cake bought 2 hui yi
20/5 was hui yi birthday =) v go celebrated party wif her , ling kang , kee hong , shin chin , n bla bla ... (so long dunwan list )
ling kang plan wan 2 celebrate wif her so he te di bak 2 ktn from maran ... n oso te di go secret recipe 2 buy a cake 2 her... but oso gap fan la == n oso apple wan us gap money 2 buy present 2 her... gif her a surprise haha~ so surprise her =)
she so happy dat nite i noe xD
finally haf checked in d UTAR's hostel.... b4 dat cal 2 them say wan Beijing B double room but they say fully booked but nw ?? wat is dis cal ?? v stil can get it wo !!! y ?? cz they didnt done their work probably lo !!! ish ~

yesterday was 24/4 .. dis was d day veli special 4 me =)
which 1 u think is better KTAR or UTAR ??? KTAR juz gt diploma n advance diploma... no nid foundation.... but UTAR study foundation sin den terus go degree~ but nvm i dy maked my choice...
it look like so long time i didnt come n update my blog liao tim.... ya lo reli long time didnt come dy.... many things happen 2 me... ish~
at 23/3 ago, d spm results came out dy~ haiz my result ar !!! wo jip ou hmm dou lo... cz i juz gt 3A's ny .... bo bian lo hu call d maker dun wan gif me 2 more A's ?? Y ?? arh~ i juz gt 3A's in chemistry (sure la my favourite subject wo) i juz gt A- ny nia~ i think can gt A / A+ d... but nvm la gt A- oso can dy~ den moral lo gt A- oso n laz is math... math i gt A ny~ think can gt A+...but lazly A ny... my trial is better den SPM !!! trial gt 6A's but nw... half of it !!!! i reli cant believe it n jip sou hmm dou lo dat is 4 sure d .... cz BM n BI didnt gt A... ding ni mama suan but it dy became history... dun wan care bout it la~
nowadays many of my friends dy went 2 college 4 their future study~ some of them go INTI la, TAYLOR la, SUNWAY la, but many of them wan go 2 TARC~ 2 me i sure go 2 TARC lo~ cz d price nt expensive ma... im going 2 take food science course cz it include chemistry !!! wakakaka~ end of dis month wan go KL dy hu wan date me plz tel me early la cz wan arrange my time 2 go out...
so remember la wan date me??? tel me 1st la xD
finally arrived jor bentong... cz sunday at bentong gt pasar pagi so i bring them go lo... cz many stalls many things 2 sell... after dat went 4 breakfast den went 2 my a yi's restaurant n wan her treat me yum cha~ reli wo... she reli treat me yum cha... teh bing , milo bing n oso neslo bing.... den went bak home took bath cz later 2.30pm wan took bus 2 temerloh ~

2nd day woke up bout 7.50++am~ may b is 2 cold n 2 early so wan 2 sleep again... woke up joe den sit at d corner n sleep... after a while den went 4 brush bla bla bla... cz my cousin wan sleep again so v go play his laptop , FB lo~ watch shin chan....
yesterday went 4 d motor n car test ... ish~ 7.30am woke up after dat... bla bla bla.... den wait 4 my uncle ==
yesterday was a holiday.... kee hong no nid learn car chien tern juz finished work n hy nothing 2 do n oso me 2... watching drama at home always tim....
laz thursday mu uncle called me dat saturday can teach me hw 2 drive car... yahoo !!! finally i can learn hw 2 drive jor.... =)
yesterday bout 9.30am he came 2 my house (so early came 2 my house he booked me at 10.00am la~ ish!!) nvm so i quickly dressed myself n got into his car... he asked me weather i can drive motor a not n i said yes cz i oso wan take license of motor 2.... n he also ask me i gt go 2 "touch" my car a not... of course yes la... == he say dou hw can i didnt do wo??
den he drive 2 a house area den started 2 explained hw 2 control d car.... after dat its show time let me control d car... wakakakakaka~ my uncle say dat my shoulder feel very hard la , my mood r in tension mood la.... bla bla bla bla... anything he can say d den say... ish~ he wan me drive around d "square about" he say it is wan me learn hw 2 control d stereng 1st wo... after few times he wan me drive 2 d main road !!! wtf ?? wan me drive 2 d main road ?? izit he nt sked i make his car crush mie ?? xD
he ar anything wat i did wrong den "ngam" me "ngam" dou until i dun wan learn dy.... but nvm dis was d 1st time 2molo 12.30pm go learn again... hope i an noe hw 2 control it n didnt let him "ngam" me dy.... ish~
after came bak from d learning of car i feel like wan sick wan sick... izit he "ngam" 2 much 2 me ?? after dat i catch a cold... sneeze until my nose wan patah jor !! i ate jor medicine oso cant !! ish~ when playing computer games oso sneeze sneeze sneeze... i reli beh tahan so i went 4 a sleep .. sleep until dis morning... dis morning i oso feel stil gt sick... dats y i say 病到不像人... may b my uncle "ngam" me "ngam" 2 much dy... i beh tahan his "ngam" so catch a cold == hope 2molo i can noe very well hw 2 control his car la... God bless.... =)
新年来咯~新年来咯~ nw dy 3/1/2011 jor lu... d 1st day of d skul season... aaaaaa i reli wan go bak 2 skul 2 continue my form 5 life !! i dun wan graduate !!! nw i very confused bout my collage wan go or form 6 ?? haiz...
since 31/12/2010 went bak 2 my kampung - Bentong den 1/1/2011 went 2 KL 4 my cousin's wedding dinner...11.00 like dis den started my journey 2 KL... it take bout 1 hour++ like dis... c0z near ma when arrived jor den wan cal my cousin bring us go around KL... mean dat he drive d car den bring us go here n there... v went jor Sg Wang Pavilion Lot 10... i heard many shops started 2 play d CNY song !! it mean dat CNY is coming soon !!!
d wedding party held at Sinchoiwah hotel there~ d hotel ball room so big n oso beautiful !!! i reli like dis type of design !!! c0z it can call d night life of KL through d mirror !!! so nice n beautiful ~ all d food so delicious !! c0z 1 table costed RM 1600 !! u think delicious a not ?? n oso i ate jor 2 abalone !! i like it =) dis was d 1st time ate until wan vomit ... c0z reli delicious !!! =)
nw.. 4 of my friends went jor NS lu... suddenly miss them leh~ wan wait until march den can meet them... hope they will happy always in d camp !!! =) God bless...