2day went 2 ECM watched a nice movie which is "TRON"... wow nice man.... =)
when 1.45 ny go out from home 2 ECM... on d way 2 ECM.. my mom started 2 "diu" me... ish~ i hate her like dis... said me y i dun wan go work la... y so fat la... if wan go TARC den no money 2 gif me la.... bla bla bla.... ish~ wat she say i didnt listen into my brain... xD
n oso u .. juz oli u... billy !!! y u always cal me ?? u think i dunno d time mie ?? i go there oso wan time d ma... ish~ reli jin d leh u... ish~~~ d movie started at 2.20.. u cal me at 2.00... ish~ y u so nervous d leh ??? ish~ after bought a drink den went in lo... but d problem is ... d movie havent start !!! ish~ n oso d advertisement havent start la.. but u billy... y wan go in so early ??? ish~ reli jin d leh u .....
i like dis movie so much... i like motor n d car !!! so nice la... i hope i oso can haf them !!!! =)
after finished n went 4 toilet... billy go 2 d counter there 2 get a free popcorn wo... i ask him y... he say he work there can get free d... 2day hor actually i wan buy d CNY DVD d... but juz now "diu" by my mom... so dun wan buy liao lo... so rugi la me !!!! =( ish~
after dat den billy teman me go here n there c0z i nid find a job ... y ? c0z i wan 塞住my mom's mouth... dun wan let her "diu" again... heng !! finally billy helped me found a job... he introduced me as a promoter 2 his ex-colleague... she was a good girl... i dun wan use "woman" or "aunty" c0z she didnt look so old... xD so she cal me come interview at 10/1/2011... if can jor... den can start work at 15/1/2011... RM3.50 per hour.... ok lo... i juz as a part time ny la... oli 8 hours...
RM3.50 x 8 = RM 28
RM 28 x 21 = RM588 !!!!
i gt dis money i reli happy jor... =) but d problem is... can i haf dis job after interviewed ?? so wan pass 2 GOD 2 help me la... =) after dat den v walked bak home... but billy dun wan... so i try 2 说服him.... finally can jor !!! so v walked bak 2gether.... x) while walking home v talk many bad things bout many ppls... if u wan noe hu... den ask me la... wakakakakaka~
yesterday went 2 hang out wif friends... yesterday reli was a fun n memorable day =)
1st went 2 TC ate our lunch... i noe dat jayden dust n liang wei went 2 bukit pelindung but i didnt go... so lunch went TC ate lunch... aftr lunch jor den went 2 beach there play ... water n oso n sand... eu~ after dat went 2 2nd beach... oso play d sand n water... =) wuhoo !!!!
2nd .... went 2 d teruntum mini zoo... although there r a few of animals... but v reli enjoy d trip... =) eu~ dun wan write 2 much la... cz wan sleep jor..
but i can say dat was a fun n memorable trip =)
eu... laz sunday went 4 d amali motor... wake up early in d morning wait n wait... reached there oso stil wan wait.. wait until almost 10.00 ny start... + oso dat day rain leh... eu....
10 ppl oli gt 2 chinese rest r d malay.... dunno y many chinese ppl dun wan learn motor leh... 2 hard 2 learn ? waste money ? waste time ? dunno la... but 2 me learn motor oso gt other benefit... 1 day no car use den can use motor lo...
amali motor n d amali car d 1st teacher come in stil d same... an indian guy... talk talk talk.. stil talk d same things... ==lll ish~ until 11.00++ den ny recess... during recess time boring dou... i wan cry jor !! at dat time i wan cry leh !!!! eu~
at 11.30 den bak 2 d class n continue story say bout d d lintasan of motor... talk lai talk qu stil d same things.... den bout 12.00 recess again.. eu~ until 2.00 ny go 2 d lintasan there.. but dat time almost wan rain jor !!! but unluckily reli rain jor !!! den bak 2 d class stil continue d same thing !!! ish~~~ same things stil wan continue hw many times wo ??? eu~~
i think dat i next time ny learn motor n car c0z i wont b at kuantan at 31/12/2010 c0z wan go bak 2 my hometown n d next day wan go KL c0z gt wedding party ... eu~
yesterday my primary skul friend - Kuan Yee came bak 2 Kuantan jor ! =)
i feel very excited ! c0z v dy so many years didnt meet each other jor ! so 8 po (san yang) suggest dat go 2 TC lo... but unfortunately it rain ! !!!! luckily is when v reached jor ny rain... yesterday's gathering juz oli 5 of us... 8 po , PT , LW , me , n u lo... K.Y. !!! =)
at there v talk bout many thing bout our primary skul life... n oso secondary skul life... so funny when v recal bak our primary skul life...
bout 11.30pm.. LW said wan went bak home 1st... after dat den v didnt 4get 2 do is... take photo... c0z dis cal memory ma ~ =) after LW bak jor den went another place - OLD TOWN... at 1st.. v wan cal elaine out d... but her mom didnt let so next time lo...
at old town den v juz continue our story (2 many things jor la so cannot list out) bout 12.00am den fetch K.Y. bak 2 hotel... b4 dat v oso didnt 4get take photo.. c0z dis is d thing dat muz do 1 =)
so... 2day went 4 d amali car at indera mahkota there... wake up early n take a bath... bout 7.50am my uncle came n fetch me... his driving skill geng dou... n oso his driving speed faz dou ...
bout 8.10+- arrive there... after take attendance den wnt into d amali classroom... bout 9.10am ny started d class... 1st is an india uncle come n "gong gu" talk bout SISTEM KEJARA n oso his story... den at 10.30am ny recess... juz oli 1/2 hour after dat oso wan go bak again d class...
den 2nd malay uncle oso come n "gong gu"... haiz they "gong gu" gong dao i always sms wif my friends... n oso didnt 4get.. on Facebook la... ish~ den bout 1.00 den recess again... at d clas juz oli 21.84% of chinese in 28 ppl... all d rest is malay...
2.30pm.. another teacher come... come n teach bout d car.. dis n dat... den he cal us got into car c0z he wan show us hw 2 start a car... after dat den he cal us get into d car n learn hw 2 start d car...
wow... 1st time leh 2 me... but finally i can start it ! =) bout 4.00 ny let us go bak ... ish ~
next sunday stil wan go again ... c0z amali motor lo... den another boring day will b coming soon !
yesterday 14/12/2010 was d day dat i feel veli happy... no is all d form 5 students from d whole malaysia dat take 10 subjects will feel veli happy c0z SPM was OVER !!! SPM was history !!! yahoo !!
wah in dis few weeks i felt boring c0z nid 2 revision dis n dat... ish~ reli boring n tired... but nw i can feel veli enjoy c0z over jor ma... wohoooo !!!! =)
after spm i wan enjoy my holiday but cant c0z wan nid go 2 work n wait 4 result n apply 2 collage... i reli hope dat TARC gt course is bout CHEMISTRY d.. c0z i like chemistry ma... u noe lo...
2molo my primary skul friend... Kuan Yee come bak 2 Kuantan... yeah den v can meet again jor ! laz time at KL disnt haf enough time 2 gather... but nw gt many time jor ! yeah ~
dis friday n sunday will b a veli boring day~ c0z nid go 2 amali car n motor.. ish~ no ppl can teman me !!!!! i nid a ppl teman me !!!! hu can ??? can u ??? =)
pass jor ?? yes ! i dy pass jor my undang lo...
yesterday went 4 undang exam ... my uncle say dat he dy late so called other uncle fetch me go.. but hor nt d exam place is d 总部wo... == n he say my uncle wil come n fetch me soon... so i wait lo i wait jor bout 5 minutes den he came... but he cal me wait again... == c0z he wan arrange ppl 2 go listen undang wo... i wait bout 15 minutes jor den fetch me go... wah hot dou bei tahan...
ok lo den he fetch me go lo... after arrive there i checked d name list... but name list no my name... == ding ! so d girl help me c can book on9 wo.. but luckily thx God i can take exam !
when go in... d fel dat questions r ez (mean d front part seksyen A n B) but d behind part (seksyen C) i hate u... wrong 5 questions ! but thx God i pass jor ! i correct 43 questions ! wuhoo !!
i can go amali car n motor jor ! but nobody can pui me go ?? 1 ppl go reli boring d wo ~ hu can teman me go ?? T.T
2day can say dat d day i had b d most crazy after exam !
2day went watch Lelio Popo... wah~ funny dou ! i laugh dou stomach pain ! =)
reli hou xiu !!! funny !!! zhi de tui jian !!!!
after dat went 2 新世纪 sing K !!!!!! wah~ sing dou bo voice jor !!! dunno y 2day sing dou my throat pain wor... throat sore !!! ish~ but happy la ...
many song sing jor tim !!! 2 me ?? sing jor many song s... like 我的回忆不是我的 欧若拉 潘多啦 many la... v sing until 8.00 pm !!! 1st time sing dou so late...
2day my mood so complicated !! c0z 《三大皇牌》专辑还没在关丹发片 !! ish~ i wan buy aaaaaaaaa
but i dy gif my no. 2 d boss.. hope my friend come kuantan den can go n take la !!!!
2day dy 6/12/2010 jor la... so chemistry paper juz passed !! yahoo !!!
juz left 1 subject ny ... is chinese !!! at 14/12/2010 !!
dis wednesday watch go watch movie !!! i wan watch Leilo Popo !!!! ^^ n oso wan buy 《三大皇牌》
c0z of u SPM make my life so boring during dis time !! so after watch movie jor i wan sing K !!! dis muz do 1 !!! if nt 对不起自己 u noe ?? ish~
dis saturday wan go 4 undang exam jor ... if pass jor den can go amali 4 motor !! i reli hope dis time can pass !! plz !! i dun wan fail again !!!! ish~~~
until nw dy 1 week past jor la... d SPM.... oli left 2 papers - CHEMISTRY n CHINESE ....
monday CHEMISTRY !!!! I LIKE IT !!!! 2molo wan go friend's house teach them CHEMISTRY... reli... i like CHEMISTRY so much !!!!
laz week.... math ict physics add math n moral.... all of them ok ok lo.... nt so hard nt so ez... juz medium oli ...
so left 2 papers... hope can do well in CHEMISTRY !!! so i can go colleague 2 continue my study bout CHEMISTRY !!! c0z i reli like CHEMISTRY so much !!!!
after CHEMISTRY papers wan go watch movie jor !! n oso wan buy album !!! wakakakakakaka~ wan watch ? ask me la... haha
started from 23/11 SPM started lo... 1st paper was bm 1 n 2... 2nd is bi 1 n 2... n 2day.... was d subject dat i hate very very very very much !!!!!!!! dat was SEJARAH !!!!! ish .... i swear dat i will hate sejarah 4ever n ever !!!!!!!!! but luckily passed jor... haha ....
tel u 1 thing dat i reli jip sou hmm dou lo.... juz nw cal d uncle said dat i wan take d exam at dis saturday....but he said cannot c0z he is at KL nw !!!!!! den hw bout next week ???? CANNOT !!!!!!!! ish~ his alasan is stil wan at KL 2 follow a kursus wo... ISH~~~~~~~~~~~ i hate like d lo... i wan pass d exam ASAP but now.... i wan fai fai cui take jor den i wan learn faz faz lo... u faz faz let me pass jor faz faz learn jor faz faz test jor den u can faz faz 2 ignore me lo... but y u wan like dat ??? ish~
so next week still gt MM ICT MRL ADD MATH n Physics papers.... ish~~~so i muz prepare veli veli well ... hope can score my spm wif a flying colours.... =)
so ... good luck la... my friendszzzzzz
yesterday dunno y yong huei suddenly say wan cal pizza 2 eat when physics period...
8 of us include kn 017 hui yi dust yong huei me angel n pee... agreed bout dat !!! so yong huei cal d 1300-88-2525... but unfortunantly 10.30 den gt delivery ... so wait until 10.30 lo...
10.30 jor la... so cal lo but cal 2 kl there... so nicholas help yong huei cal lo... yong huei ordered jor an large extream cheezy pizza... total RM38.10... he say bout 30 minutes delivered.. but until 11.40 den arrived... ish~
d pizza reli had a good smell !!! all of us pass d box n smell it... wow !!! wanginya !!! reli wan eat la !!! but cant c0z Pn Laila does nt let us... so after d chemistry period den v terus eat lo... but suddenly Pn Shamsiah appeared our class !!! ish~ when she saw d pizzza like crazy woman come n "fight" wif us... haha~
but hor if kee hong yesterday present may b he can eat dou d... but he absent... haiz.. so sry lo
d photo i dy uploaded 2 facebook dy la... "1st time order pizza...." lazly wan thx 2 nicholas c0z help us 2 cal d pizza... hope next time can order again !!!!
2day i purposely ponteng chemistry n bm ttn went 2 ecm watch THE CHILD'S EYE wif kc eric ct 1 siang n bl....
yeeeeeeeee... d movie hor reli scared me leh... it scared me 3 times jor !!! wo jip sou hmm dou lo ~~~~ 1st time scared by d chair... ish~ d chair like wan 2 hit me... c0z v watched 3D ma.... so reli scared ppl d lo... 2nd times... d monster climb up d ciling n den jump down 2 attack ppl.... reli scared jor me... laz time... d girl go n attack d rainie...."zop" think she wan attack me... ish ~
after dat went eat den went bak 2 ecm do sth lo.... do wat ??? mestila sing k... if nt wat u wan 2 do at there ??? ish~
sing k 4 1 hour... ok lo... d 1st 40minutes let them sing la... i dun mind 1 actually... d bl hor... choose jor many songs but finally i skipped them... c0z they say wan me sing hor...
1stly i wan sing 下一个天亮 but d intro 2 long so skipped... den 三人...i like dis song so much... c0z represent friendship ma.... so i like it so muchi.... den 幸而 i sang dou half den skipped c0z time wan finished jor... den 日不落oso half... except d 爱你。。。 sing d full song c0z i noe eric oso like d song... me 2... so sing unitl d end lo... lazly is elva's U MAKE ME WANNA... dis song oso until half den skipped it... actually i gt sing dou den ok jor la... so hope dun so mind d... u noe me d lo... i watever oso nvm d.... lazly d bout 10minutes d song 劲歌金曲 by 古巨基... sing until d end...
after dat went bak lo... i oso thx 1 siang c0z fetch me bak d... 1 siang i promise u... after i taking my lisence i will take bak u d... if 1 day u feel dun wan drive car... juz cal me...den i come 2 fetch u out... reli.. i nvm d... u noe me d lo... i wat oso nvm d...
yesterday went 2 "hit d sisi periuk" wif all d friends... kai lo kc lo wai yen lo ken chean lo meng hao lo ct lo wai mun lo 1 siang lo hendriq lo eric lo....
eric wai mun meng hao ken chean wai yen ate 2 much of "lala" (ps : nt our chemistry teacher - LALA) wah eat until d table full of d shells... ish~
our table den cham lo.... ct hendriq kai n kc does nt ate 2 much as them... oli d kai... when he came he took n took n took... many ingredients he took jor den ate all... he oso ate 2 mee !!!! ISH~ mg ... (ps oso : mg is MY GOD... nt magnesium )
almost finished ate jor den hendriq took ice cream - mint n chocolate...
i noe dat when "they" melt... dis 2 flavour are nice... c0z i tried jor den cal hendriq tried it... he reli tried...
when "they" tried 2 melt... hendriq purposely mixed "them" 2gether...
yeeeeeee... so geli la.... ish~
after dat v went 2 ecm n watch a movie.... i think they will watch "tong yan 3D" but hor c0z eric dun wan den ok lo... change 2 watch "detective dee" ...
at first i think i will b a boring movie... but after dat its ok ar.... 100% i gave it bout 73%.... 5 stars i gave 3 1/2 stars...
after dat went bak lo... thx 1 siang c0z fetch me bak....
now dy 1.06am 17/10/2010 la... after watch jor drama den went sleep le...
tata.... dunno y happy time will always pass very faz 1 ??? can any 1 tel me ??? hehe
now is 16/10 jor liao la... stil havent start 2 do revision 4 SPM... ish~
yesterday went 2 took d class uniform wif ct n eric... wuuuuu.... look so nice... i noe dat i will b nice d...
actually i have nth 2 say... c0z so long no update my blog so wan update it la...
o ya... hope dat all d 5M students plz go 2 skul at monday c0z wan take d shirt !!! plz ... if nt i will.................. (fill in d blank)
wakakakakakakaka.... so remember la....
2day dy 12/10 jor lo... almost 1 month more den SPM lo... but...my add math history n ICT... how ??? reli kill me leh... 2day juz gt d timetable 4 SPM... c dou dis time table feel dat 2molo is SPM !!!!! but i cant feel it...
yesterday 11/10 was my birthday... firstly i wan thx 2 Mr Kee Hong n Mr Dust c0z Mr Kee Hong always wish me... when he sawdou me den wish me in 3 languages... n Mr Dust.. gif me a beautiful present... (until 2day i juz opened)... n oso thx all sang a birthday song 4 me !!!! thx u all !!!! i like it very much... although i didnt say it out but in my heart i reli reli thx u all of u d... so dun so mind... especially is KU XIN NING !!! haha~ she say i didnt say ... ISH !!!~~~~
ok la... at here i wan say thx 2 all my 5M students la... c0z u all in my hearts de la... (hope dun so mind) ~~~ n oso my others friends... reli reli reli thx u all... ur wishes i dy received la...
THX U ALL !!!!!! THANK U !!!!!!
5/10 Tuesday was d laz day 4 SPM trail.... laz paper was ICT... yeeeeee ICT... but hor dis trail ok ok lo... especially d chemistry paper... i like 2 do d chemistry paper c0z i like chemistry so much... yesterday went skul den BM ICT MORAL n HISTORY teacher gave bak d papers... i got 3As.. BM n ICT 70% n MORAL 86%... HISTORY oli 50%.... phew... fortunatly d history no fail... but how bout add math ??
My ICT teacher Pn Shamsiah n Pn Nor Raini said dat if i get A is ICT... i wan belanja them eat PIZZA !!! ??? y ?? but i juz promised them in SPM nt TRIAL la... ish~ Pn Shamsiah said she sengaja marked my paper 1st.. c0z wan c me wheater get A a not... if yes... den they can eat pizza jor....
4/10 Monday is Abgel's Birthday... so some of our class... Chien Tern Kar Che Kang Ning Ken Chean Kee Hong Yong Huei Pee........ went 2 her house 2 celebrate her bd... she so surprise... c0z she dunnoe v will celebrate wif her...
after dat den juz keng kai lo... den play some games... yeeeeeeee angel wan "Big Fish Small Fish" ~ den Yong Huei decided 2 play "d no. of x7 n d no. wif d 7"... if lose den mz drink d campur campur jor geh carbonate drink...
den v oso play d “开口中".. 1st blood is me... so jin... v played wiif her very happy... n she gt a memorable day....
yer next month wan trial SPM dy la.. my add math history n ICT... 3 of u... reli kill me die die... my form 4 punya basic nt so good... u wan me how ??? i reli hope dat i can get a flying results in trial... c0z i nid continue my pelajaran... bt dis 3 subjects... u wan me how ?? i reli hope dat i can kill u bak b4 u kill me.... =) so GOD bless me la... hope can kill dis 3 subjects.... ALILUYA....
so long no update my blog la...
finally d July test was over... but stil gt trial n SPM !!! ish~ so sienzz leh always read book...n do d questions... lazy la... but gt any solution can let me noe 2 do in SPM very well ???
2day i feel very angry n sad... c0z bout our class T-shirt.. some of them say ok but some of them say no good... not match... u say how ??? 2day c0z dis thing i argue wif somebody... Chien Tern no idea how 2 design it... haiz... when design muz jaga kedua-dua pihak punya perasaan... reli hard 2 jaga... ish~ so reli hope Chien Tern can design dat can jaga kedua-dua pihak perasaan...
hope dat our class will like dis song at above...v <<相爱好吗>>??
2day went 2 Indera Mahkota 2 listen d undang wif Matthew.... oh... its reli a tired n boring day...
2day i woke up at 5.15am.. dunno y y so early i woke up... woke up dy dunno do wat ... ish~
so 2day d uncle came late.. almost 8.00 den fetch matthew... wah d uncle drive so faz... until 130km/h... md...
d course started bout 9.45am... den 10.00am baru recess... den 10.30am juz continue d course... until 1.00pm... so tired... i can tel u all d things i dunno i cant listen in... may b so tired gua...
den 1.00 ~ 2.00pm recess again... still boring... while waiting teacher.. v sleep bout 15 minutes.. coz reli tired.. ISH !!! 2.00 ~ 4.00 oso boring c0z continue d course... reli boring luckily matthew teman me go.. if not i will boring until DIE... ish~
so now i wan take my undang exam ASAP... c0z i nid 2 go amali 4 motor 1...
2day 7/6/2010.... 2day went 2 skul 4 d ICT assignment... do until 12.00pm... not am... =)
after dat went 2 ECM wif Billy Eric Chien Tern Kai Vern Yat Siang Ken Chean n Kee Hong... OMG... but dis OMG is 4 fun... 2day went 2 watch a movie "The Prince of Persia " dat is a nice movie...
after dat went song box sing KKKKKK !!!! wow i like it.... i sang Bad Romance Poker Face 下一个天亮 不想懂得 爱你 为你而活... ken chean sang d Bad Romance and Poker Face so high... me 2 i oso high wif he... but suddenly Billy came in n take video... ish~ n he post 2 U tube... (not chemistry use d U Tube... is You Tube =) ) i think so...
there are 2 movie i nid 2 watch... there are Toy Story 3 n The Haunting Love... The Haunting Love is a horror movie... i like watch horror movie... but i wan watch Toy Story 3 1st... hu wan watch den tel me... plz i think i will b at 26/7/2010 go ECM watch... remember hu wan watch den tel me... =)
ish!!! holiday 4 2 weeks dy started... wat can i do in dis 2 weeks holiday ???
yesterday reli had a happy day.... so thx all my friends... i will remember dis happy day =)
finally midterm exam over dy... happy lor... c0z no nid revision until die lor... but SPM how ?? still wan revision de ar... haiz... yesterday laz day 4 d 1st semester.... den start from now 2 weeks hoiday... sien lor c0z wan do revision again 4 d trial SPM =)
haiz... but in dis 2 weeks holiday stil wan ttn... d teacher say wan quickly finish d sillibous n do revision 4 form 4 n 5.... den die lor... haiz....
im happy c0z my chemistry mark.... hahahahahahahaha... get A- 70% so ngam ngam.... wakakaka... dis is d 1st i get A-... laz time i almost get it A-... ish~ so any 1 wan noe ur chemistry mark den ask me lar... juz oli 4 fom 5m 2010 at smkap 1... =)
so exam until now dy 1 week + 3 days... phew finally left oli few subjects... ICT Add Math n Physics..
well CHEMISTRY 3 Papers dy over.. so happy but i can tel u dat i like chemistry very very very much... so any thing bout CHEMISTRY can ask me =)
so,2molo exam ICT... but C & J class exam BIO.. ahahahaha our ICT paper juz oli 1 paper but BIO gt 3 papers !!! ahahahaha...
but d worst subject is ADD MATH.. i hate d ADD MATH c0z gt many formula muz remember !!! ISH !!! but i hope dat GOD will help me pass my ADD MATH la... c0z i reli weak in ADD MATH... ish~
n our GPK Pentadbiran - PN ROHANY BT SAAT is going 2 bcome principal in new skul... so han wei n i decided 2 by rotan 2 her... ahahaha
n dis holiday wan go 2 listen undang... i noe dat listen undang is very boring... hu wan 2 teman me n go except matthew la.... 2 those hu havent BD 1 n havent listen undang 1.. can tel me ... =)
phew.... d 3 importance language (BM BI n Chinese) papers were OVER !!!! yahoo... now juz oli d subjects that oso important.. but nt more important den d 3 languages like d subject dat i like is Chemistry, Moral,Physics,Math,History,ICT,Add Math... d most difficult subject is Add Math... i hat Add Math.. so difficult...
so 2molo exam still on... 2molo is Math 1 & 2 n History 1...
hope dat i can score my math in a flying colours... ^^
yahoo... 1 subject 2 papers were over !!! 2day chinese.... dunno how 2 do la... especially is d essay... dunno wat d title mean.. so juz tikam d meaning... n paper 2... d old ppl says language (文言文).. i reli hate it... so difficult 2 do !!!! juz tikam d meaning oli...
2molo start BM exam... 2 papers oso... hope dat d essay questions will b ez... n paper 2 oso d komsas.... hope oso will b ez...
God... hope U can help me 2 get a flying colour in dis midterm exam....
haiz.... d worst problem is coming now... dis wednesday is d midterm exam starts... ish!!! hate it... i hate exam.. but wat can v wan 2 do ???
watching television especially is hong kong drama... yeah !!! i like it...
but cant SPM is coming soon at dis November.... if nt den all d form 4 syllebus will 4got..
dunno y midterm so early come ???
well... 2day was d 3rd day 4 April Test... but hu care ?? we juz care bout d midterm n SPM !!!
so 2day when P&P... feel so boring.. so chien tern hendriq brandon they play "Truth or Dare ?" c0z d moral... read all d nilai so boring.. so i joined them... after joining them... good... a boring feeling was gone....
it was d time d take moral exam... 3 struktur n 17 isi tempat kosong... ok lor.. can do.. but juz oli d question is " wat is d theme of 52th of Nasional Day ?" aiya dun care la.. juz 1 mark oli...
next P&P again... play "Truth or Dare" again... good... start now i think i dy love 2 play dis game dy... den ICT exam... ish!! dunno how 2 do... d objective question juz tikam tikam.... struktur... simply write...
2molo exam last 2 subjects - History Chemistry n Mathematics...
ish!!! hate History !!!
laz saturday n sunday went 2 KL n Genting... it was a funny n unforgettable trip... reli unforgettable...
1st day 27/3
started our journey at 7.00+- c0z gt 1 girl late.. so we started late... den arrived at KL... went 2 d planetarium... wah damn boring... den went 2 Taylor College had a lunch n listen 2 talk... it was a interesting talk... d topic was "How To De-stress?" v r divided into 5 groups... n i was in 4th group..
d "talker" Liza Leong wan us 2 make a creative frame... after dat v discuss bout d top 5 ways 2 de-stress... 1st is sleep lo.. common 1... 2nd is as high as v can... 3rd is shout it loudly.. 4th is listen 2 d high music n laz 1 is play high game... y i used many times of "high" words ?? c0z when v do d frame we felt so high... n laugh n laugh... den went 2 visit campus... wow like a cinema.... reli... bout 5.30 den v went 2 Sunway Pyramid... went there 2 meet a standard 3 friend.. Kuan Yee.. bout 8.00 den went bak 2 hotel n take a rest... but v didnt do it.. c0z v wan walked... so we walked around d Jalan Raja Laut until walked to d "shopping mall" - "The Mall" ish! d "shopping mall" didnt haf any entertainment juz all sell things like boutique foot wear.... bout 10.00 den walked bak 2 hotel n haf a bath.. after dat went 2 man yee's room 2 haf a "party" wif soon yik kai yi wu lei jing n others...
2nd day 28/3
woke up at 6.05am n haf a morning bath... after dat went down haf a breakfast... after having a "bad taste" breakfaz... den started our journey 2 Genting... yeah can play indoor n outdoor games luu... very excited... after arrived at cabal car station... den v took cabal car 2 go up... after 10 min.. ernest bring teachers n us 2 d entrance of indoor n outdoor 2 haf a tickets... after haf a ticket den wan wait others ppl come n den can went 2 play... 1st thing i wan play is d flying chair.. i like it very much... den went 2 play d dragon train , rolling thunder mine train, cork screw bumper car indoor roller coaster... reli funny... i reli enjoy dis trip.. although v haf planned 2 go snow world n strawberry farm but v didnt go... c0z most of us wan play d outdoor games !!!! when lunch... haf a buffet... bout 2.30 we went 2 cabal station again 2 took cabal car 2 bak 2 cabal car station... at d cabal car... v heard dat next 2 us cabal car shout n can heard clearly... so v decided dat wan shout like "wu lei jing" "yew gam ling" "lao sam hou" n many many more..
when 1 of d cabal car came across us n v shout... 1 aunty watching 2 us... dunno wat she wan 2 do ??
so lastly i hope eric can take care d presents dat i bought 2 u... if nt i reli reli angry 2 u !!!
even though i not d head... i oso muz go c0z i took part...
after d pembarisan... (wah d pembarisan so tired la ish)
i so happy 2day c0z green house is d juara of d whole game
include d sukan tara... sukan tara's juara was green house...
so our house took 2 hampers.... YES !!!!
d tarik tali include our house vs blue house
(4 d girls 1)
our house vs red house
(4 d boys 1)
so excited la...
when i saw... it was so ez 2 tarik d tali ( 4 girls)
so finally v won 2 times... (yeah)
is time 4 d boys 1....
1st time v lose dy
i think dat our pose wrong... so v lose 2 red house....
2nd times...
we won...
YES !!!!!
ok d last time....
when started... i think i cant tarik...
c0z my hands no energy dy !!!!! haiz....
i noticed dat our house slightly go 2 d lantai pasir there...
but luckly kar che took us bak....
phew.... finally we won....
after d whistle blew...
i immediately put d rope down n shout
c0z we won dy
n green house bcame d juara !!!!! yes !!!!!
although yellow's house marks was higher den us...
but finally we won...
so billy n eric sry ar...
d champion we dy took... =)
2 those hu support me...
thx all...
i didnt make u disappointed...
今天是年十六了。。 就是说新年已过了。。。
今天学校已举办了“阅读月” 我们做学生的 不但要听老师致词。。也要忍耐让人流汗的热天气。。
当校长致完词后, 司仪便让校长宣布在2009年阅读最多数的优胜者。。。
当他提到我班 - 5M班时,心想会是谁呢 ? 是图书管理员吗? 还是其他学生?
当校长宣布我的名字时, 我当时愣住了..我不敢相信是我...
过后... 惊的事来了...
身为青组的老大.. 要帮老师帮忙通知今天下午要来的队员...
走得我的脚很累很累... 去了又去同样的班... ish...
超想睡觉.. 但不可以...
yesterday was a day b4 of February test... but hu care ?? i think many ppl wont care 1 de lar...
but unlucky... dat time Mrs Lee was not at home... so we went 2 soon yik's house lor n play...
bout 4.30++ barulah she was at home there...
thx God.. i finally met her... so surprise when i met her... ( oh no... she bcome prettier... her hair so curly.. (=
she oso very surprise when she saw me...
den we watch "Woohoo" so funny... although is a little bit...
bout 7.00-+ den we went bak lor... bye bye teacher..
hope can meet next time... =)
今天是农历十二月二十九。。。 明天就是年三十晚了,也就是我们华人的重要日子 - 吃团圆饭。 今天依旧像往常一样, 一大早就去上学了。。下课之后就是道德节。。。 老师与我们讨论题目后 他要求我在班上唱一首新年歌。。。 其实我已先告诉说我要唱歌的。。。 老师听了很惊奇。。于是我便唱一首M-Girls 的 “金玉满堂”。。。 看起来个个都好high哟。。。 连副班长 - 秀音 都向我说 “我爱你”?? (她是不是疯了?)过后就到我们班的搞笑天王 - 建泉 唱歌。。 我想不到他唱福建歌 - “爱拼才会赢” 超搞笑的。。。
今天下午。。。 我回家乡了。。 我回家乡过年了。。。 如有机会记得来我家乡来玩哦。。 虽然不是说大城市啦。。 但胜有出名的冰淇淋和豆腐卜。。。 记得哦。。
最后。。。 小弟在此向我所有的朋友说声 :“新年快乐。。 记得新年穿美美哦。。” =)
wah... so long time i didnt update my blog dy la... since d skul opened.... i almost no time 2 update my blog... now den haf time 2 me...
2nd.. is u... Praha... u change d class from 5M 2 5J... ish !!! y u wan change ?? u noe u will sad when u change 2 J class ?? c0z u will miss our M class...
3rd... No !!!! i cant went 2 KTN Parade 4 M-Girls Performance !!! ish !!!
4th.. i bcame d Ketua Rumah Sukan Hijau...
u noe y ??? c0z Meng Hao n Kar Che supported me 2 do it...
ok lo... i do it.... den Meng Hao bcame Wakil Tingkatan 5 ...
5th... My Hand phone is missing !!!! Ish !!!!
dat day when i went 2 skul 4 sport practice i 4got let teacher 2 help me keep my phone
when i go 2 take my bag... on dat moment i noticed dat my hp is lost !!!
den i tel Pn Yin... she said dat if d pencuri gif bak my phone
den nth will happen... close d file...
but until now... he or she didnt gif bak 2 me... T.T
6th... dis Sunday.. may b i will go 2 by a new handphone...
hu can suggest 2 me which model i wan by ??(SE 1)
den d hp no. may b i will change d new 1
or may b take bak d old 1 ??
c 1st la...
明天就是新学年开学的日子了。。。 我的心情好像刚到学校上学的小孩子的心情- 又紧张又兴奋
今年的我。。上中五了。。 又要面对学校各个月都要考试的考验。。。又要面对十一月份的重要考试- SPM 。。。
不但如此 。。我害怕会被选到去国民服务。。 我妈妈一直说希望我被选到去国民服务。。可是我不敢想象我被选到的心情。。。 是担心还是兴奋 ???
明天就是开学日。。。 我又可以重见我的好朋友。。。在Facebook,有个心理测验蛮准的。。 他说:“屬雞的青少年今年因有紫微照命,故此才思敏捷,以致讀書學習得心應手,倘若心無二用,定可脫穎而出,金榜題名!但切勿志得意滿而掉以輕心,慎防大意失荊州!健康狀況良好,但必須好好護理牙齒及口腔,有備無患。”
我深信。。。 只要我努力念书。。。 一定会金榜题名的。。。 但我也不会掉以轻心。。而影响我的考试成绩。。。 我知道中五就像中三一样。。。 一样要每个月到要考试。。。一直到政府考试的那一天。。。
考完了政府考试。。。我要报读什么呢 ?? 我在中四只报读了物理及化学(Physics n Chemistry) 我没要拿生理(Biology) 。。我的班把电脑科技(ICT)代替了生理。。那我该报读什么呢?? 但我妈妈要我读至中六。。我该继续呢?? 还是出去做工赚钱好呢??
来来来来来来来来来lets welcome year 2010.... !!!! Happy New Year !!!! 祝大家新年快乐!!!
春天的花儿再次盛满开 年复年四季轮回去又来
甜蜜的笑容满载一家团圆乐开怀 新年已到来
春天的花儿今年为谁开 几千年习俗传统未更改
跟着那龙头大队州向世界新时代 大家都有气派
像龙翻腾起舞再战风云写下新一页 醒狮一声怒轰誓言开拓美好的明天。。。。